Where to Begin by Paty Jager

paty shadow (1)I’ve started researching and writing the sixth book in the Shandra Higheagle Mystery series, Reservation Revenge. I visited the Colville Reservation where Shandra’s family lives and wrote about the visit and the woman who lives on the reservation and helps me with my research here.

Bookmark FrontDuring that trip I knew I would set a murder at the reservation and one of Shandra’s relatives would be involved. This is that book. While I’ve had a tour of the reservation and while on that tour acquired a wonderful topographical map of the reservation, I still have questions about the lake where the murder takes place and the area where Shandra’s cousin is hiding.  For these answers I’ve once again gone to my friend and fellow author who lives on the reservation.

The best part about having an author help with digging up the research is they understand the need for some of the tiniest mundane things. Like what are the plants in this area, how many police officers are on the reservation, who would be working the crime scene?

These are all questions I have to have answered before I can start writing the book. While I’m not a plotter, I need to know information about the place and who would be people my character would come across while trying to prove her cousin’s innocence.

And because this series is written from the amateur sleuth, Shandra, and the County Detective , Ryan’s, points of view, I have to have the murder scene figured out. Who was there, who wasn’t? Who was killed? What was the cause?  My main sleuths aren’t on the scene in this book. The murder happens four hours from Shandra, and she has to rely on talking to people and her grandmothers cryptic dreams.

So where did I begin this book? With a dream. A short to the point dream that unsettles Shandra and reveals there is trouble to come.

“Ella what do you want?” Shandra Higheagle pleaded as she stood looking up into the clouds that formed her deceased grandmother’s face. The droplets of rain falling on Shandra’s face were warm and salty. Tears.

What better way to start a book where the amateur sleuth uncovers the real murderer through dreams then with a dream.

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Paty Jager is an award-winning author of 25+ novels and over a dozen novellas and short stories of murder mystery, western historical romance, and action adventure. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters.





14 thoughts on “Where to Begin by Paty Jager

  1. Sky they are in ebook and they should be able to order them in print if that’s what you want. If they say they can’t let me know. I can send you the print books too.


    1. Hi patyjag: I went on a mad search on the Barnes and Noble website: Most were Kindle books, but a few were used books in the market place of Barnes and Noble; I tried to sign in and place an order but this is the only site on line ( I always call in my orders) that my Kaspersky’s Smart money keeps spinning and spinning, so I was not able to make a transaction. I don’t read e-books

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Please I just read book 5, Killer Descent. I want more. I love cozy muerder mysteries. And like all of the authors. I am really into Native American, Navajo murder mysteries and have read them all. All of the comments that Are listed here are great. I really enjoy The books that start with a dream.


    1. Thank you Catherine! I’m glad you are enjoying the Shandra Higheagle Native American mysteries. I’m currently working on book 6. 😉


  3. I think this is a great idea, and I never gave something so innovative any thought. Thanks for the tip and your books sound great, too.


  4. Hi Paty, I’m in the same situation. I’m starting a new cozy and trying to decide how to open the book. I had some great chapter that I set aside. I started again with the heroine getting up in the morning, but I’ve heard that’s not good. So I’m going with something that happens later that day. So many choices!


    1. Thanks, Kate. I take a lot of time deciding my beginnings and it just felt right for this story. Thanks for stopping in and commenting!


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