Writing as Discovery

by Janis Patterson

Want to start a lively ‘discussion’ among writers? All you have to do is say something about how ‘plotting’ or ‘pantsing’ is superior. It doesn’t make any difference which; both have their outspoken and extremely vocal adherents. Just make sure you can hold your ground or you have a direct path to an exit. Both sides have passionate adherents.

For those who aren’t familiar with the terms (if there are any of you left out there!) ‘plotting’ is basically an outline, yes, like you used to make in elementary school, but adapted toward a book. Whether it’s the old Roman numeral/Arabic numeral/alphanumeric letter – i.e., bullet point type of outline – or a paragraph style, the outline is a detailed road map of every twist and turn in your story. ‘Pantsing’ is taken from the old phrase ‘seat of your pants,’ meaning you just write and see what happens.

In general, pantsers tend to do more re-writing than plotters, but plotters spend more time on pre-writing work.

I am an avowed pantser. Sort of. My personal system is sort of like a suspension bridge. I know where the story begins. I know where the story will pretty much end – but that has been known to change. I know a couple of plot points in between, though they can be shifted a bit during writing. Then all that’s left is to spin the webwork of the story between them. Does my story change while I’m writing? Yes, it can and has, and I think that’s a good thing, because that means the story is growing organically and being true to itself and – more importantly – to its characters.

Plotters vary from those who put down only a few plot points and notes to those who put in every raise of the hero’s eyebrow and every shrug of the heroine’s shoulders. They also do lots of pre-plotting work, making character sheets, location maps and doing interviews with their characters. I once saw a character worksheet that was at least 5 pages long and included such things as the character’s favorite flavor of JellO and their maternal grandmother’s maiden name. Personally, I’ve had close friends for decades and I don’t know that much about them!

Always willing to improve my craft, I once took a much touted ten-box plotting course that was supposed to be almost magical in creating a book’s structure. A stubborn person, I finished it even though I knew from the second or third lesson that it wasn’t for me. After all, I had paid for it and believe in getting my money’s worth.

Basically you put every turning point and every reaction into one of the ten boxes. An outline, just minus the Roman and Arabic numerals. Using this system I plotted a pretty good romantic suspense novel about Egypt, antiquities smuggling, trust issues, terrorism and a dirty bomb thrown in for good measure.

It will never be written, at least not by me. By the time the last box was filled in I was so bored with the whole idea I never wanted to see it again. Believe me, it shows in the final product when the writer is bored with the project. No matter how good the writer is, the book is lifeless and mechanical.

Don’t think this is a vote either for or against plotting or pantsing. It’s one of those things to which there is no one ‘right’ answer for everyone. The writer has to decide for himself what works for him. And perhaps it is the reader who is the ultimate judge, though most don’t have the slightest idea of the writer’s process. They just know if they like the book or not.

So what do I do? I get an idea for an opening situation, I sit down and I start to write. If the idea is sound, if the story is a good one, the characters just take over and I become more scribe than writer. Do I have to go back and do some re-writing when the plot changes direction? Occasionally, but it only makes the story stronger. Sometimes it surprises me what comes up on the screen as I write, and to my mind that is a good thing. Remember, someone – I don’t remember who – said, “No surprise for the writer, no surprise for the reader.”

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and a wonderful holiday season!

10 thoughts on “Writing as Discovery

  1. I’m one who gets to know my main character before I start, know the direction or premise of the book and then take off writing. But I keep a diary for each chapter after I write it, so I can go back and check things easier if the book takes a turn in a different direction. I rarely do a rewrite. I do clean things up but that’s it. Great post!


  2. Great post. I am a plotter. I write mostly suspense and it’s important, to me, to know how the suspense is going to play out so I can plant things along the way that make it work. Also, if I sit down to the computer with no idea where the story is going, I am stymied and not productive at all. (unfortunately, my characters have NEVER taken over). Even with plotting, things change and I am always surprised along the way.


  3. Great post!
    I am definitely 100% panster which seems to work for me however I sometimes wish I had at least an outline. Maybe next year I can get more organized and be more productive.
    THANKS for sharing
    Good luck and God’s blessings


  4. I must write like you. I hate plotting so do very little. When I start a new book I do have the beginning, middle, and end in mind. A lot of times, the end changes. I do a short outline of my characters, but I add to them as I write. I hated outlining in school. I still do. If people prefer outlining that is their choice.


  5. I think of excessive plotting as a stall. I like to have the “tentpoles” (turning points) in mind, and I mull over the next story while I’m working on the WIP, but it’s a lot more fun to discover as you go along.


  6. I’m a bit of both and lean toward the plotting side but not in a crazy way. 🙂 I’m always happy for my story to take an unexpected turn! Enjoyed the post.


  7. I’m the same (per Monique). Recently, I’ve taken to writing my 1k – 3k per day. When I get in bed at night, I start trying to think what happens next and write in with my applepen in my iPad before I go to sleep.


  8. I’m a Pantser too though I do spend some time in the beginning working on my characters, who is going to die and the several who might have done it and why. Merry Christmas to you.


  9. Fab post, Janis!

    It’s American poet Robert Frost who said “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” He also said “I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering.”

    I use the best of both strategies. When I get an idea for a story, I spend a bit of time answering a few questions so I know the character’s flaw, limiting belief/lie, wound, stakes, truth, wants/needs, GMC, etc. Then I begin writing.

    Like you, I’d never finish writing a story if I plot it to death first. I’m a pantser/plotter. I like to know roughly where I’m going whilst holding onto the excitement of discovery. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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