Why it’s Okay Sometimes Not to Write by Karen Shughart

We traveled a lot this past spring and summer: family gatherings, a wedding, visits with our children who live on the east and west coasts, a reunion with friends in Florida and a very long trip last month to the Atlantic and Maritime provinces.  I don’t use a laptop but instead write with a desktop PC, and during those times we were away I didn’t write, not a blog, not a newsletter or social media posting, nor a chapter of the book I’m working on now. At one point we were on a ship, so not only didn’t I have use of a computer, I also didn’t have internet. Talk about being removed from the world!


At first, I felt pressured. And guilty. Many of us authors try and write something every day. It makes good sense, keeps us in the flow of our current work, and keeps us on our feet. Not writing for several days was anathema to me, and I was uneasy that I wasn’t producing at least something on the written page.  But then it hit me.

After a couple big sighs, I gave myself permission to take a break. In fact, in my estimation taking some time off can result in better writing. For one, I was able to enjoy and experience our trips and register those experiences both in my mind and with photographs that I might, someday, be able to weave into my story lines for other novels or blogs. I was able to be in the present and savor those moments and experiences with family and friends.

It wasn’t that I didn’t think about writing. On occasion, I mulled over chapters I’d been working on or thought about topics for this blog. But I didn’t spend all that much time doing it. The “ah ha”! moment came when I realized that not writing for a while cleared my head. And that was a good thing.

Once we were back home from our trips, the laundry done and bills paid, we settled back into our routine. I turned the computer on and started writing again. What I realized was that I was able to approach my work with a fresh perspective, and I could be more objective about the chapters I was writing and more critical of what was working and what was not.

I discovered that taking a break made me more creative. I’ve added chapters that should have been written in the first place and removed others that didn’t add much to the plot. I’ve diversified language, and dialogue has become brighter and more interesting. By reading my own work with a fresh eye and committing to making changes, the book is better.  Taking a break from the writing for a few weeks wasn’t the disaster I had portended; in fact, it helped. My perspective has changed, my energy level  has increased, and I’m much more at ease with tackling the tough parts with relaxed determination.



8 thoughts on “Why it’s Okay Sometimes Not to Write by Karen Shughart

  1. Love your post, Karen. I agree that sometimes clearing one’s head for a few days helps with writing. I try to take several breaks during the week so I am not staring at a computer all day. It might be a simple break walking our dog. Look forward to more of your refreshing posts


  2. I agree that one MUST take a break from the things in life that just seem to be routine and not progressive. Taking a break from all of life’s urgencies can just be boring enough to make time to refresh that mind! So, be cheerful now and recommit yourself to your writing. Norge


  3. “Sometimes it’s okay not to write” will become my mantra when my family pecks away at my day like small birds ravenous for my attention. Thank you for this.


  4. Karen, excellent post when so many of us have been beating ourselves up over low productivity this summer, me included. I do agree, with the taking a break, even though I’m behind schedule, I feel my trip this summer where I immersed myself in the experience and didn’t worry about trying to write, made me a better writer. While I’m not writing about that area in the book I’m writing now, I will be in the future and because the whole time I saw things I thought about my character, it will be easier to write that book. I hope. 😉 Good job! Glad you had some down time this summer.


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