Why Blog?

Some folks say blogging is a thing of the past. Is it? Supposedly, places like Instagram have taken over.

Though I’m not sure blogging is the best promotion tool, I must admit that I love blogging. Many years ago, when I was a teen, I kept a diary right up until the time I started dating that cute sailor I met on a blind date. Though my life had certainly become more interesting, I no longer wrote in my diary. To me, blogging is like writing in a diary and sharing it with many others.

I not only write a post for this blog once a month, I’m a twice a month person on https://makeminemyster.blogspot and I have my own blog, https://marilynmeredith.blogspot.com where I post when I have something to share, and host other writers.

My biggest motivation for doing this is that I like to write. Yes, I write mysteries, and love doing that, but I also like to tell what’s going on in my writing life—and sometimes just life itself. On my own blog I can check and see how many people have taken a look at my posts, and I always respond to anyone who has taken the time to leave a comment.

I have used blog tours (I set them up myself) as promotion when I have a new book. And yes, there is always an uptick in sales. Not sure the sales balance against the time spent planning and writing all the blog posts—but I’ll probably keep doing it as long as I have new books.

Reading other people’s posts on various blogs is also something I enjoy—though I don’t have as much free time to do that as I once did. It’s amazing to me the great ideas different writers come up with to expound upon. Often I learn something, or pick up an idea I’d never thought of beforeSo what is your feeling about blogs? If you are reading this one, what motivated you to stop by?

And of course my most recent blog tour was all about my latest Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery, Tangled Webs. https://www.amazon.com/Tangled-Rocky-Bluff-Police-Department/dp/1938436601/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

 Written as F.M. Meredith—who of course is me, Marilyn Meredith

tangled web front cover jpeg

9 thoughts on “Why Blog?

  1. I find blogs to be entertaining and often informative. The plus is that they tell me a little about the blogger’s writing style. I’ve read some good books based on that style. I enjoy your posts, Marilyn, so please keep them coming.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I find coming up with blogging “topics” hard. But your blogs seem so natural, flowing…I like reading them. Keep ’em coming.


  3. PS: You might want to check on your link for Make Mine Mystery. The ‘y’ is left off mystery so it won’t load. Don;t you hate that when it happens? 🙂


  4. Marilyn, I enjoy reading your blogs – they are so down-to-earth and informative too. Thank you for reaching out to mine occasionally too. Blogging may be going out, but like you, i enjoy writing them. With a journalist background, it’s a bit of “reporting and reviewing” for me.


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