Moving Forward

It was time to start a new Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery, but no fresh ideas seemed to pop into my mind.

Most of my time the last month has been spent on promoting the latest in this series through a long blog tour. As it came to an end, I knew I had two winners who wanted to have a character in the next book named for them. But I was beginning to wonder if there would be a next book.

One of my critique group members suggested something. Then another, a sweet pediatrician, told me he had the perfect way for me to murder someone. And he was right, most unusual.

A Facebook friend and fellow sister in crime suggested a title and how to work it in.

I may not use any of these ideas or fit them in the way they were suggested, but guess what? The ideas have “primed the pump” as the old saying goes. For those of you youngsters who have no idea what that means, I’m writing the book because of the ideas I’ve been given.

A lot has gone on since last I posted here–I sent in my next Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery to the publisher, received the edits and accepted some, rejected a few, and sent it back. Should appear in August sometime.

On the personal side, my granddaughter, her husband and two little girls moved in with us. They are buying our house with the contingent that we get to remain here. It’s a big house–and we already have a great-grandson and his wife living upstairs. They’re staying too.

And here’s the big plus–we get to see these cuties every day.

One happy great-grandma and mystery writer.

Marilyn aka F. M. Meredith

Priscilla May 2016.jpg

Aleena May2016.jpg

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